Saturday, December 31, 2005

All about the HBG

Note: this and the post after this are permanent, they will always stay on the top. For more recent posts scroll down.

The mission purpose of the History Bloggers’ Guild (HBG) consists of three Ps, Promotion, Progression and Protection. It is all about bloggers helping bloggers.

Promotion- HBG will help get new readers for your blog by linking and by having members actually post about your blog.

Progression- HBG will advise you on what would be a good thing to do, give you important news, and tell about anything that could improve your blog, making it more attractive to potential readers.

Protection- HBG will earn you respect. The blogosphere is fast and furious, you have to really work hard to earn your place, keep it, and grow it. Alone, this will be hard as the competition is fierce. But with HBG on your side, you won’t have to worry about disasters to your blog.

The organization of HBG is somewhat complex and very important to know, because it is one of the main strengths of it. Just imagine a giant tree where each branch further divides into 5 branches. Let’s look at the big picture first. At the top is the Leader chapter, who are picked by me, Scriptor. Leaders are not there to control you and tell you what to do; they are responsible for managing the Guild, keeping it together. They have the power to spread news and important info extremely quickly. One of the things they do is write posts that all Guild members could find useful.

When all the Leaders are in place and all the issues have been discussed and readied, HBG officially starts. Now the Leaders start recruiting independently of each other. Each Leader will recruit up to a maximum of 5 bloggers, until then those already recruited have to wait. Once the Leader has recruited the maximum he/she immediately stops, now it is the job for the new recruits to carry on the job of enroll new members. Each one of those again recruits to a maximum of 5,stops, and then tells his/her recruits to take over enlisting members. This goes on and on.

Now to use an example and get all the recruitment terms down. Let’s say someone already in HBG has just recruited you. That person has also recruited 2 other bloggers before you. You set up all the links and any other things you need to do. But for now, you wait until the one who recruited you has recruited a total of 5 bloggers. Eventually that happens. Now, you and the 4 other bloggers recruited by the one who recruited you, form a chapter. When this is all set up, you can now start recruiting up to 5 new bloggers. The cycle repeats over and over again, indefinitely.

If you have any questions or thoughts, please say so.

The duties for a Leader and a Regular are different. Here are those for a Regular:

Linking: Each Regular must link to at least the following sites for HBG in the following order with the site labeled as one of the following:
History Bloggers’ Guild- this blog. Ex: HBG- History Bloggers’ Guild
Leader- all 5 Leaders of the History Bloggers’ Guild. Ex: Historium- Leader
Recruiter- the person who recruited you into HBG. Ex: Somebody- Recruiter
Chapteree- anyone else Recruiter enlisted into HBG. Ex: Someone- Chapteree
Recruit- anyone you recruited into HBG. Ex: Someblogger- Recruit

Note: For the Leaders, make sure you label which Leader you are “descended” from as “Ancestor Leader”, basically the Leader who was the original recruiter of the bloggers that eventually led up to, put this Leader at the top.

Remember, these will Recruiter, Chapterees, and Recruits will also link back to you. That’s 10! We will also be working on a blogroll of all members of HBG.

Duties to Chapter: For a Regular, these are the main duties. In short, it comprises of two things: making sure your readers know about you Chapterees, and helping your Chapterees out in various ways. If this sounds a lot, don’t worry. Just remember, any help you give them will be returned. To address the first duty, you could make a post about HBG every few days, or add a section to some of your post that tells about interesting things on your Chapterees’ blogs. Just be creative. For the second thing, tell your Chapterees anything that you think they might find helpful. Give them advice, suggestions, news, some interesting information, a really good blog you just found, a new blog service, and other services like that.
Again, keep in mind that the other Chapterees will do the same for you.

Leader duties: A Leader works hard to help out Regulars and manage HBG. In return, he/she can expect all of HBG to link to them and their blog’s traffic to increase enormously.
The duties of the Leaders are divided in the following offices, if you are a Leader and wish for a different office, you may move to a new empty office. You cannot force out a Leader from an existing office. All the work that the Leaders will do will be posted on this blog.

Scriptor- Chief Diplomat: handle all general relations between Guild and other sites. Also Public Information and Relations: Tell others what Guild really is explain it.

Empty- Chief of Recruitment and Statistics: establish and maintain qualifications for being accepted, all other blogs must make sure a blogger follows these rules before recruiting him/her. Also is in charge of polls, every month a record of the total number of guild members will be compiled by using polls. Also votes will be held to find the opinion of the Guild on certain issues.

Empty- Chief of Blogosphere News: Searches the Internet to find the lates news and information related to blogs. Advises Guild members on what add-ons, services, etc. can best help their blogs.

Empty- Chief of Guild Issues and Opinions: Relies on Chief of Recruitment and Statistics to study what Guild members want done and how they feel about certain issues, analyzes this and discusses with other Leaders on what best to be done.

Empty- Chief of Promotion: Focuses on getting the description of the Guild presented by Chief Diplomat across to as many people as possible. In general, works hard to spread the word of the Guild.Other responsibilities will most likely be added to the above offices, if you would like to be in a different office please tell me.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Recruitment Rolls

(Note: This is also a permanent post, new posts will be below this one.)

As of now, I am looking for 1 more Leader. These are people who manage and run HBG, they are also responsible for keeping this site up. In return, every person in HBG will link to them, creating loads of traffic to their individual blogs, tell me if you are interested and have a blog.